Advanced Heading
Rapid response fire solutions at the most competitive prices

Advance Building Protection


We offer standard testing in accordance with Regulation 4 (City of Los Angeles) and Title 19 (California outside of Los Angeles), as well as all other fire systems testings.


Our technicians can bring your system up to current code requirements or simple address issues that come up during inspections.


Our monthly monitoring packages are meant to be cost effective solutions for off-site management of fire safety systems. Our rates start as low as $45/month. Please contact us for details.


Reg 4

What Is It


The City of Los Angeles Fire Department requires regular testing of Fire Protection Equipment by a certified licensed Reg 4 Tester.

Why Did I get this Notice


You are a property owner or the manager of a property that has one or more of the devices listed below.

How I Comply


Contact us today! We will walk you through ensuring that you are in compliance.

We Test These Systems

Automatic Closing Fire Assemblies

Stored Electrical Energy System

Automatic Sprinklers

Central Station Systems

Basic & Complex Fire Alarm Systems

Wet Standpipe Class II

Emergency Power / Generator

Combined Standpipes

Fire Escape Assemblies

Class 1 Dry System

Representative Projects



Contact Us

Head office

6464 Sunset Blvd, Suite 610

Los Angeles, CA 90028

Tel: (323) 285-3096

Fax: (323) 467-8230