Advanced Heading
Rapid response fire solutions at the most competitive prices
Advance Building Protection
Reg 4
What Is It
The City of Los Angeles Fire Department requires regular testing of Fire Protection Equipment by a certified licensed Reg 4 Tester.
Why Did I get this Notice
You are a property owner or the manager of a property that has one or more of the devices listed below.
How I Comply
Contact us today! We will walk you through ensuring that you are in compliance.
We Test These Systems
Automatic Closing Fire Assemblies
Stored Electrical Energy System
Automatic Sprinklers
Central Station Systems
Basic & Complex Fire Alarm Systems
Wet Standpipe Class II
Emergency Power / Generator
Combined Standpipes
Fire Escape Assemblies
Class 1 Dry System
Representative Projects

Contact Us
Head office
6464 Sunset Blvd, Suite 610
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: (323) 285-3096
Fax: (323) 467-8230